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Child Development

Approaches to Fostering Positive Self-Esteem in Children

Nurturing an “I Can” mindset in children is essential for their development, especially as they step into opportunities presented by a new year. This positive mindset equips them with resilience, coping skills, and the motivation to actively engage in learning and growth. Children with a belief in their abilities are more likely to take on healthy risks, embrace challenges, and find joy in their experiences. Here are a few ways to nurture an “I Can” attitude and instill positive self-esteem in children.

  • Provide Autonomy: Allow children to make age-appropriate choices and decisions. This autonomy empowers them and reinforces the belief that they have the capability to influence outcomes.
  • Promote a Growth Mindset: Teach the concept of a growth mindset, emphasizing that abilities can be developed through effort and dedication. Encourage them to view challenges as opportunities rather than fixed limitations.
  • Teach Problem-Solving Skills: Equip children with problem-solving skills, emphasizing that they have the capacity to overcome obstacles independently. Guide them in breaking down challenges into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals based on their abilities and age. This approach helps children experience success in smaller increments, boosting their confidence and fostering an “I can” mindset.
  • Promote Encouraging Self-Talk: Encourage children to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. When faced with challenges, help them reframe their thoughts with statements like, “I can figure this out” or “I can do my best.”
  • Model a Positive Attitude: Demonstrate a positive and resilient attitude in your own life. Children often emulate the behaviors and attitudes of significant adults in their lives.
  • Highlight Past Successes: Remind children of their past achievements and successes. This reinforces the idea that they have the ability to overcome obstacles and succeed in various areas.

How We Can Help

At Little Thinkers Center, our goal is to address gaps in self-confidence, so that each child is well-rounded and equipped to handle obstacles that exist in everyday life. We do this by tailoring highly engaging, experiential exercises appropriate to each child’s developmental level that promote success, a sense of achievement, and belief in oneself. Whether we are utilizing General & Discriminative Movement Thinking, Logical Thinking, or Social Thinking games, the purpose is to instill feelings of competence, build a healthy “I Can” attitude, and establish a positive self-image. Take a look below at a demonstration of a logical thinking activity that can foster positive self-esteem, guide children in a sense of accomplishment, and nurture the foundation for healthy self-confidence.

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